Probably my most favorite of all earthly objects. Maybe it's the color of them. Maybe it has something to do with autumn (ok, maybe it has a lot to do with my most favorite time of the year). Or maybe I just love them because they accent my auburn hair (well, formerly blazing red-turned-auburn-turned-brownish/grayish auburn). I don't know. Do I need a reason? I just love 'em.
Back in the day, I used to be the Assistant Director of Public Relations for the university I graduated from, as well as the Assistant Editor of the same university's magazine and other publications. I used to handle the organization of all of the university's photo shoots (very fun stuff), and would also get to take my own photos to publish as well. Lucky me :)

One day, as I was on my way to dropping off some camera-ready art for an ad I was working on, I happened to drive by this pumpkin patch scene displayed on the lawn of an old church. The light cast by the sun on the pumpkins and morning fog was so beautiful that I immediately slammed on my breaks and turned around to capture on film what I was seeing with my eyes (we won't talk about the time I chased the white '76 VW bug across town because it was the exact car I had been looking for for weeks to use for a photo shoot I was working on---you should have seen the look on the lady's face when I ran up to her and asked for permission to use her car..BUT, I digress...).

Two minutes after turning the car around and landing on the
pumpkin scene, the light changed and the look would have been lost forever (I lost some of the fogginess just trying to get out of the car)! But I was lucky enough to get a few good shots which always give me the warm fuzzys every time I see them...man I miss that camera.
Enjoy! And don't make fun of my pumpkin love.

I think you love pumpkins b/c the color secret reminds you of the Texas Longhorns!
Hey, thank you for your comment and encouragement on my blog. It is so good to make contact with you after so long. I wanted to comment on this particular one becuase I LOVE PUMPKINS and FALL too!! I would never make fun of your pumpkin love. And I also read your previous post and had no idea you have a 2 year old and/or all the stuff going on. So now...I get your comment more. I am encouraged by your faith. Hang in there (and even tho we haven't seen each other, or spoken in years...you can vent to me if need be!) Nothing like being in the same place close to the same time. :)
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